meet the Redhotties.
president & rush manager
Gabby Pavlov
alto '27, she/her
Gabby is a cognitive science major on the pre-medical track, and when she isn't at Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, she can be found performing with Yale Children's Theater, running, or drinking coffee. Favorite Animal: Samoyed Inspirational Quote: "Everyday has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
Chimzaram "Storm" Egbosimba
ALTO '27, he/they
Storm is a first-year and potential English major, an actor, writer, pianist (and Chopin super-fan), casual Broadway enthusiast, stuffed animal collector, and lover of all forms of media from Love Island to Macbeth! Favorite Animal: Pronghorn (the 2nd fastest land animal!) Inspirational Quote: "You are the author of your own story."
business & head rush manager
Joseph Kayne
tenor '27, he/him
Joseph is an Ethics, Politics, and Economics major... or a music major... or both(?), who enjoys performing music theater, nerding-out about Barbershop quartets, and loves the outdoors (biking, hiking, and skiing: you name it, I'll do it with you!) Favorite Animal: Capybara Inspirational Quote: "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." - Marthe Troly-Curtin
business manager
Tiki Kazeem
alto '27, she/her
Tiki is a potential Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry major who loves playing card games, watching movies, curating Spotify playlists, and of course, singing! Favorite Animal: Panda Inspirational Quote: "Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know." - Christopher Robin
brand & rush manager
Cat Esteves
soprano '27, she/her
Cat is a prospective Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology major and a Soprano in the Yale Glee club who loves Original chip flavors, the movies The Sixth Sense and Double Indemnity, classic rock, Portuguese pasteis de nata, and vanilla-scented candles. Favorite Animal: Her Miniature Poodle Sage Inspirational Quote: "Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here." - Dumbledore
alumni coordinator
TENOR '25, sHe/her
Yara is a junior majoring in Economics, a soprano in the Yale Glee Club, a questionable violinist, and a huge fan of warm cafés, small dogs, pumpkin spice lattes, and using the lower end of her singing range. Favorite Animal: Yorkie
alumni coordinator
Soprano '25, She/HER
Elsie is a junior Theater and Performance Studies major and book lover who won't let you forget she's from Montana. Favorite Animal: Elephant
assistant pitch
Dixon Miller
Tenor '27, He/him
Dixon is a first-year studying engineering, an avid listener of film scores, a mathematics enthusiast, and a dog-lover. Favorite Animal: Owl Inspirational Quote: "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Albus Dumbledore
rush manager & chef...
Max Colomer
bass '27, He/him
Max is a physics major, a passionate member of the waterpolo team, and dabbles in the saxophone. Favorite Animal: Green Sea Turtle
rush manager
JADE Klacko
Soprano '25, She/HER
Jade Klacko is an American Studies major with a concentration in audio, visual, literary, and performance cultures (gosh, that's a mouthful) who loves electronic dance music (ironic, right?), frolicking in the sun and sand (FL-girl core), warm hugs (and baths...and soups), songwriting, crafts, and the people that fill her life (Redhot especially)! Favorite Animal: Unicorn Inspirational Quote: "The things that make you weird as a kid will make you great tomorrow." - James Victore
rush manager
SOPRANO '25, She/they
Maya is a junior American Studies major, undercover theater kid, and local frisbee-flinger on Yale Ramona, the women’s ultimate frisbee team! Favorite Animal: Duck Inspirational Quote: “I love adventures.” - Elizabeth Holmes
Angélique Wheeler
ALTO '26, She/HER
Angélique is a History and Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology double-major who loves theatre, is unofficially minoring in music performance, and can be found speedwalking across campus to make it to all the events on her GCal. Favorite Animal: Swan Inspirational Quote: "Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning." - Gloria Steinem
BASS '26, He/Him
Gui is a Linguistics major, a bass in the Yale Glee Club, a collector of fonts, an amateur logician, and a passionate advocate of linguistic descriptivism. Favorite Animal: Sea Otter Inspirational Quote: “On ne sait jamais comment les choses vont tourner.” - Robert Taylor
Joshua Li
Bass '26, he/him
Josh is a Global Affairs major, a Double Bassist, and a National Team Oarsman who you will find munching away on a Bar of Chocolate every. single. day. Favorite Animal: Penguin Inspirational Quote: "There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met." - William Butler Yeats
ALTO '25, SHE/Her
Ruthie is a History major, an alto in the Yale Glee Club, an amateur cellist, an amateur knitter, and a *professional* lover of Dirty Dancing. Favorite Animal: Orca Whale Inspirational Quote: "Money money money, must be funny, in a rich man's world." - Karl Marx
rose hansen
Soprano '25, She/HER
In addition to being a passionate environmental activist who uses creativity to advocate for change, Rose loves to sing, dance, act, and drink tea in cozy places. Favorite Animal: Red Panda Inspirational Quote: “With great power…comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.” - Percy Jackson